What is Double Up Food Bucks?
Get more fruits and vegetables when you spend your SNAP Card dollars at the Lawrence Farmers’ Market. It’s easy with Double Up Food Bucks! We’ll match every $1 you spend with another $1 FREE so you can buy more fruits and vegetables, up to $25 more per day.
How do I use my SNAP Card at Market?
When you participate in Double Up Food Bucks you will receive two different types of tokens. First, you will receive $1 wooden tokens, then, you will receive a matching amount of $1 purple Double Up Food Bucks tokens.
$1 Wooden tokens represent the SNAP money that you take of of your EBT card. The wooden $1 are good for meat, eggs, baked goods, honey, nuts, jams, jellies, salsa, sauces, fruits, veggies, and seeds and plants for food (tomato plants or bean seeds); in other words they can be used to purchase any food products that are not hot and ready to eat foods or drinks.
$1 Purple tokens represent the matching money provided through Double Up Food Bucks. Purple $1 tokens can ONLY be used to purchase fresh fruits, veggies, cut herbs, and seeds and plants for food. You should try to use your purple tokens for fruits and veggies first, as those are the only things you can buy with them.
The Lawrence Farmers’ Market is a member of Double Up Food Bucks Heartland. Here is an excerpt from their website:
“The new Double Up Heartland Collaborative is aligning and scaling up successful healthy food incentive programs. Partners in this strong, two-state effort will serve more farmers and low-income families with the USDA Food Insecurity Nutrition Incentive program. Over 1.1 million Kansas and Missouri residents rely on federal food assistance via the SNAP program. Double Up Food Bucks makes it easier for low-income families to eat fresh fruits and vegetables while supporting family farmers and growing local economies.”
Lawrence Farmers’ Market would like to thank Douglas County, Douglas County K-State Extension Office, Douglas County Sustainability Office, and the City of Lawrence for bringing Double Up Food Bucks to Douglas County, and Kansas.
Check Eligibility and Apply for SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program)
Not sure if you’re eligible for SNAP benefits? Want to learn more? Need the links to apply? Our friends at Kansas Appleseed are a great resource and have compiled information on eligibility and application. Click the link to learn more: Kansas Appleseed SNAP